Plants to monitor

This list includes invasive and/or toxic species that are present on the site or in the area. Please report the locations of these plants to the Site and Facilities Manager or the Quartermaster. Do not attempt to remove these plants without coordinating with the Site and Facilities Manager or designated team leaders.

Shining Geranium (Geranium lucidum)

The weed of the month (from King County, Washington)

Invasive Plant Atlas


This highly invasive non-native annual plant is found in many locations on site. Eradication efforts are ongoing. Contact the Site and Facilities Manager for information on how to join the team.


Herb Robert (Geranium robertianum)

Oregon Noxious Weed Profile

Oregon Department of Agriculture
(.pdf, 632 kb)


This non-native, invasive annual related to Shining Geranium is widespread on the OCF site.


Scotch Broom (Cytisus scoparius)

Oregon Department of Agriculture profile (.pdf, 7284 kb)

USDA Invasive Species Info Center


This non-native species has been largely eradicated from the OCF site but is abundant at the Outer Limits (aka winery). It can be hand-pulled in the spring. Seeds can persist in the soil for decades.


Poison hemlock (Conium maculatum)

Invasive Plant Atlas

Burke Herbarium


This non-native invasive biennial is widespread in the Willamette Valley, occurring in disturbed wet areas. The foliage and roots are deadly poisonous if ingested. Not known to be present on OCF property.


Water Hemlock (Cicuta douglasii)

USDA Poisonous Plant Research


This native wetland perennial is called by the USDA "the most violently toxic plant that grows in North America." It may be confused with wild parsnips or carrots. Avoid all contact. Ingestion of any part will likely end in death.



Giant Hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum)


Giant Hogweed profile (.pdf, 653 kb)

Giant hogweed risk assessment (.pdf, 3939 kb)

This highly toxic non-native perennial plant has been found in a few locations in Lane County but has not been seen on OCF property. Do not touch it! The sap can cause severe burns or blindness.


Death camas (various species )

USDA Poisonous Plant Research

Natural Resources Conservation Service (.pdf, 208 kb)


These native perennials are widespread. The foliage and bulbs are toxic if ingested. They may grow in a stand of edible camas and may be readily distinguished from blue-flowered camas when in bloom but not in dormancy, when camas is most likely to be harvested for human consumption. They should be removed from stands of camas that may be used for food.


(photo by HGTV)


Poison Oak (Rhus diversiloba, aka Toxicodendron diversiloba)

Wikipedia: Poison oak

Biology of poison oak (Santa Barbara City College)

Skin contact with this native perennial vine may result in burning rashes. It is widespread in the dry uplands of the OCF site.


Tansy Ragwort (Jacobaea vulgaris, aka Senecio jacobaea)

This invasive non-native biennial/perennial is toxic to most grazing animals. It thrives in sunny, disturbed areas and will regenerate from crowns or root fragments left after mowing or tilling. Once widespread and abundant in western Oregon, its populations have been greatly reduced by the introduction of the cinnibar moth, a flea beetle, and a seed head fly. Any plants with moth larvae or signs of the flea beetle or seed head fly should be left undisturbed to allow the insects to complete their life cycle.

cinnibar moth and larvae

OSU extension


Best Management Practices (Clackamas SWCD)

Natural Resources Conservation Service (.pdf, 174 kb)


General Interest Sources

Native and Invasive Plant Species Guides (City of Eugene)

Eugene prohibited invasive species (.pdf, 70 kb)

Oregon Noxious Weed Profiles (Oregon Department of Agriculture)

Pacific Northwest Invasive Weed Identification (.pdf, 3341 kb)

Oregon Weedmapper (Oregon Department of Agriculture)

iMap Invasives, a GIS-based collaboration to document invasive plant locations

Invasive Plants List (Native Plant Society of Oregon, Eugene Chapter)

Noxious Weed Control Program (Oregon Department of Agriculture)

Biological Weed Control (Oregon Department of Agriculture)

Oregon Flora Project (OSU Herbarium)

Rare and Endangered Plants (Oregon Department of Agriculture)

Native Plant Society Rare Plant List (.pdf, 394 kb)

Plants Database (Natural Resources Conservation Service)

Conserving Oak Habitats (.pdf, 980 kb)

White Oak Guide (.pdf, 7306 kb)

North American Butterfly Association, Eugene-Springfield Chapter

Pollinator hedgerows (Benton SWCD)

Oregon Bee Project (.pdf, 6300 kb)

Pollinator Strips (Xerces Society, .pdf, 1065 kb)

Plants for Pollinators (Natural Resources Conservation Service, .pdf 402 kb)

Cascade Mycological Society




LUMP Manual: Vegetation Chapter


The site includes mixed hardwood and conifer forest, grassland, wetland and riparian zones, and path and stage area. Native vegetation (including rare or endangered plant species), exotic plants (some invasive or pest species), lichens, fungi, and algae inhabit the site. The Fair recognizes our stewardship obligation to preserve our section of the rapidly–disappearing Willamette Valley riparian forest and floodplain. The Fair site serves as an important wildlife refuge and corridor linking the Fern Ridge/West Eugene wetlands, the Long Tom watershed, and Coast Range habitats.

Nursery areas are used to propagate vine maple, bigleaf maple, red osier dogwood, alder, and other species for use on site. Alice’s Wonderland includes gardens, orchard, and a greenhouse.

Forest communities include areas dominated by oak overstory, ash-slough sedge stands, ash-dominated wetlands, black oak-fir-pine uplands, a cascara-wild pear stand, and a transition strip dominated by black cottonwoods.

Grasslands include post-cultivation native wet prairie (e.g., Trotter’s Field), foxtail-dominated areas (e.g., Crafts Lot), old pasture (e.g., Dead Lot), and fescue-dominated areas (e.g., Chela Mela Meadow).

Wetlands and riparian areas include zones of spirea, willow, and cattail (e.g., Indian Creek and south side of Miss Piggy’s Lot); grasses and forbs on white clay (Miss Piggy’s Lot); old channel wetlands; upland levees (Long Tom River); old Indian Creek channel; a sphagnum bog; Indian Creek constructed channel; beaver ponds; and beaver-flooded uplands.

Path/lawn areas can be categorized into those areas with good soil (e.g., Main Stage, River Loop, Left Bank, Dragon Plaza) and those with poor soil (e.g., East 13th). Shaded areas and frequently-flooded areas occur over both good soil and poor soil.




Oregon Country Fair Family web site
Oregon Country Fair Public web site

Green Zone application form (draft)

Green Zone Action Plan (draft)